LAUREA – Laurea University of Applied Sciences, FINLAND
Laurea is a distinguished and multi-faculty university educating future professionals for security management, business management, information and communications technology, service innovation and design, and nursing. Laurea operates in the Helsinki metropolitan area in seven regional campuses. Laurea’s Research, Development and Innovations (RDI) bring together several aspects – from academic research to practitioners’ knowhow, and from tech-savviness to traditional security and safety studies. It offers viable business opportunities, design of new services and enhancement of existing ones, with emphasis on the end-user experience. Laurea RDI activities concentrate on four focus areas, of which the most relevant to this project is Security, Safety and Social Responsibility. This focus area can be described through the human security paradigm which refers to a multidisciplinary approach towards understanding the concept of security, including international relations, strategic and development studies, and human rights. In this context, security is seen as an enabler, outcome, and integral part of other subject fields. Laurea’s research activities promote solutions that are, above all, ethically and socially sustainable e.g. respecting fundamental human rights.

University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, MONTENEGRO
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, as educational- and-scientific unit, has its mission to educate young and high quality experts in the area of technical sciences (electrical and computer engineering), capable to contribute to development of the country and region through creative work, in line with European trends, and all these through implementation of modern education techniques and research process. Mission of Faculty of Electrical Engineer in g is completely in li ne with the mission of University of Montenegro ro.
The Faculty performs educational and scientific research activities:
- educates personnel in disciplines of its competence, with graduate and postgraduate education levels, providing BSc, Spec. Sci and MSc degrees in electrical engineering and computer engineering, and/or PhD degree
- teaches disciplines of its competence in other university units
- organizes and performs scientific research and professional work
- improves scientific thought and pre pare personnel for in dependent scientific work
- develops scientific work as the integral part of its activities and basis for teaching
- through scientific work provides development of science in the area of its competence.

University of Montenegro, Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor, MONTENEGRO
Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor is a higher education institution being a part of the University of Montenegro. It was established in 1959 as a Maritime College and afterwards, complying with the growing trends of maritime infrastructure of Montenegro, this educational institution, recognized in former Yugoslavia, was turned into Maritime Faculty in 1981.
Today, in accordance with the Bologna declaration, Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor provides academic and applied studies lasting from three years (six semesters). Academic studies comprehend Maritime Sciences (Basic; Postgraduate Specialist and Master Studies; PhD studies), and Management in Shipping (Basic; Postgraduate Specialist and Master Studies). Applied Studies consist of Nautical Studies, Marine Engineering and Marine Electrotechnics (third year is a differential year).
Today, Maritime Faculty in Kotor is a modem educational institution for personnel in shipping. Maritime experts are being educated and professionally trained in line with international standards, conventions and regulations. Education of maritime experts is carried out within regular classes and special programmes for professional training and competence. The Institution is equipped with modem equipment for organization of teaching process as well as equipment for practical training. Quality of knowledge and skills of large spectrum of application enable that personnel who gain education at Maritime Faculty in Kotor easily get a job on shipping companies worldwide.